How to Enable JavaScript on Opera

How to Enable JavaScript on Opera

Opera is a free internet browser released by Opera Software. Fast, secure and sleek to use, Opera offers a seamless browsing experience for people looking to enjoy exclusive features such as built-in VPN service, etc.

If you are looking to ditch your current browser, then you should consider Opera browser as an excellent alternative. Opera allows users to access the internet across different operating systems like Mac, Windows, Android and iOS, among others.

As with most modern browsers, Opera supports JavaScript, which is enabled by default to show dynamic interactions like ad banners and animations on JavaScript-based websites. In this guide, we will provide you with all you need to know about JavaScript in Opera as well as how you can enable or disable it in no time. If you don’t have Opera installed on your device, you can simply download it from the official website.

Javascript is enabled in your web browser. If you disable JavaScript, this text will change.

Instructions for Web Developers

You may want to consider linking to this site, to educate any script-disabled users on how to enable JavaScript in six most commonly used browsers. You are free to use the code below and modify it according to your needs.

For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript.
Here are the <a href="">
instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser</a>.

On we optimize the script-disabled user experience as much as we can:

  • The instructions for your browser are put at the top of the page
  • All the images are inlined, full-size, for easy perusing

We want your visitors to have JavaScript enabled just as much as you do!

What Is JavaScript and Why Do I Need It?

JavaScript is a client-side scripting language that is used by web developers to add dynamic interactions and functionalities to websites. Today, modern web browsers like Opera web browser have JavaScript enabled by default, giving access to dynamic elements and functions on the internet. 

With JavaScript disabled, these dynamic elements will not run smoothly when viewing websites. For instance, if you turn off JavaScript in your Opera web browser, you can say goodbye to automated updates on your Facebook and Twitter timeline. Similarly, websites like YouTube will become almost impossible to use when you turn off the JavaScript feature in your Opera browser.

Opera users who wish to turn on JavaScript in their browser can do so in just a few easy steps. All that’s needed is a device with an installed Opera web browser.

If you use Opera and want to turn on JavaScript, do the following:

1. Start your Opera browser

Open the “Easy Setup” menu. It’s usually located in the top-right corner of your Opera browser.

JavaScript on Opera1

2. The “Easy Setup” menu

Under the Easy Setup menu, scroll down to the very bottom to locate the “Go to browser settings” link, and then click on it.

JavaScript on Opera2

3. Search for “javascript”

You will be directed to the Settings menu where you should see a search box. Input the name “javascript” into the Search Settings box.

JavaScript on Opera3

4. Select “Site Settings”

Having searched for “javascript”, your screen will display highlighted sections. These sections are relevant to JavaScript. Scroll down the search results to locate the “Site Settings” tab, and then click it.

JavaScript on Opera4

5. Select “JavaScript”

Under the Site Settings tab, find the section labeled “JavaScript” and select it. 

JavaScript on Opera5

6. Activate JavaScript

Under the JavaScript section, toggle the “Allowed (recommended)” switch so that it turns blue.

 JavaScript on Opera6

How to Disable JavaScript on Opera

Opera users who wish to turn off JavaScript on their browser can do so in just a few easy steps. All that’s needed is a device with an installed Opera web browser.

1. Start your Opera browser

Open the “Easy Setup” menu. It’s usually located in the top-right corner of your Opera browser.

JavaScript on Opera1

2. The “Easy Setup” menu

Under the Easy Setup menu, scroll down to the very bottom of to locate “Go to browser settings” link, and then click on it.

JavaScript on Opera2

3. Search for “javascript”

You will be directed to the Settings menu where you should see a search box. Type “javascript” in the Search Settings box.

JavaScript on Opera3

4. Select “Site Settings”

Having searched for “javascript,” your screen will display highlighted sections. These sections are relevant to JavaScript. Scroll down to the very bottom of the search result to find the “Site Settings” tab, and then click it.

JavaScript on Opera4

5. Select “JavaScript”

Under the Site Settings tab, find the section labeled “JavaScript” and select it.

JavaScript on Opera5

6. Turn off JavaScript

Under the JavaScript section, toggle the “Allowed (recommended)” switch so that it turns gray.

JavaScript on Opera7


Why do I need JavaScript enabled on Opera?

JavaScript is enabled by default on Opera, but you can double-check to verify if it is working. To do this, simply click on "Easy Setup" at the top right corner of your Opera window to display the settings menu. Next, scroll down to "Go to browser settings" and click it. On the next screen, type in the word "javascript" into the "Search settings" input box to reveal all JavaScript-related settings. Then, scroll down and click on "Site Settings" to find the section that says "JavaScript." Once you find it, open it to verify if your JavaScript is working. It's pretty straightforward; if the control is slid to the right with a blue background, then it's working properly.

What happens if I disable JavaScript on Opera?

Many websites today make use of JavaScript to display dynamic content, such as animations and special effects. If you browse them with JavaScript disabled in your Opera browser, then you probably won't have the full experience that you normally would. Some JavaScript-based websites may appear dull and static, while others may not work at all.